installing types

sudo npm install typings --global
typings install --save --global dt~underscore
typings install --save --global dt~jquery
typings install --save --global dt~backbone
typings install --save --global dt~moment
typings install --save --global dt~qunit
typings install --save --global dt~sprintf
typings update
# than include the file .d.ts

installing libs

bower install jquery
bower install underscore

the base lib:

locate lib.d.ts


npm install -g tslint
curl > ~/.tslint.json

Named types (interface, class, enum)

interface IChild extends IParent, SomeClass {
class Child extends Parent implements IChild, IOtherChild {
    defaultProperty:Type = 'default value';
    private _privateProperty:Type;
    static staticProperty:Type;
    constructor(arg1:Type) {
    private _privateMethod():Type {}
    methodProperty:(arg1:Type) => ReturnType;
    overloadedMethod(arg1:CommonT):CommonReturnT {}
    static staticMethod():ReturnType {}
    subclassedMethod(arg1:Type):ReturnType {
enum Options {
    EXPLICIT = 1,
    BOOLEAN = Options.FIRST | Options.EXPLICIT

Object type literals

// Object with implicit Any properties
{ foo; bar; }
// Object with optional property
{ required:Type; optional?:Type; }
// Hash map
{ [key:string]:Type; }

Hash Maps

var map: { [email: string]: Customer; } = { };
map[''] = new Customer(); // OK
map[14] = new Customer(); // Not OK, 14 is not a string
map[''] = 'x'; // Not OK, x is not a customer
You can also make an interface if you don't want to type that whole type annotation out every time:
// Equivalent to first line of above
interface StringToCustomerMap {
    [email: string]: Customer;
var map: StringToCustomerMap = { };
// using generic interface in methods signature
interface IMap {
    [key:string] : any;


constructor(public customerId:number,public companyName:string,public country:string) {}


// Array of strings
// Array of functions that return strings
{ ():string; }[]
Array<() => string>

Function Overloading

addCustomer(custId: number);
addCustomer(value: any) {
    if (value && typeof value == "number") {
        alert("First overload - " + value);
    if (value && typeof value == "string") {
        alert("Second overload - " + value);
interface IFoo {
    bar: {
        (s: string): number;
        (n: number): string;


// Function
{ (arg1:Type, argN:Type):Type; }
(arg1:Type, argN:Type) => Type;
// Constructor
{ new ():ConstructedType; }
new () => ConstructedType;
// Function type with optional param
(arg1:Type, optional?:Type) => ReturnType
// Function type with rest param
(arg1:Type, ...allOtherArgs:Type[]) => ReturnType
// Function type with static property
{ ():Type; staticProp:Type; }
//Default argument
function fn(arg1:Type = 'default'):ReturnType {}
// Arrow function
(arg1:Type):ReturnType => {}
(arg1:Type):ReturnType => Expression

example anonimous callback

    (fw: any) => {
        fw.onwriteend = (e) => {
            fw.onwriteend = (e) => {
        // write BOM (dead for now)
    (error: any) => {
        alert("FileWriter Failed: " + error.code);


module Company {
    class Employee {
    class EmployeeHelper {
        targetEmployee: Employee;
    export class Customer {
var obj = new Company.Customer();


// Generic functions example
function reverse<T>(list: T[]): T[] {
    var reversedList: T[] = [];
    for (var i = (list.length - 1); i >=0; i--) {
    return reversedList;
var letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
var reversedLetters = reverse<string>(letters); // d, c, b, a
var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var reversedNumbers = reverse<number>(numbers); // 4, 3, 2, 1
// Function using type parameters
function myFunction<T>(items:T[], callback:(item:T) => T):T[] {
class {
    inArray<T>(value: T, array: T[], fromIndex?: number): number;
interface ITest {
    data<T>(element: Element, key: string, value: T): T;
//Interface with multiple types
interface Pair<T1, T2> {
// Constrained type parameter
<T extends ConstrainedType>():T
// Type of a variable
typeof varName;


  • richiede minimo tsc 1.6
  • usa .tsx extension
tsc --jsx react public/ts/test.tsx
# --jsx react => genera javascript corrispondente al markup jsx

error TS2304: Cannot find name 'React'.

import React __React;
import React = __React;
class DemoProps {
  public name:string;
  public age:string;
class DemoComponent extends React.Component<DemoProps, any> {
  private foo:number;
  constructor(props:DemoProps) {
    super(props); = 42;
  render() {
    return (
      <div>Hello world! {} </div>
declare var mountNode: any;
//React.render(<HelloMessage name="John" />, mountNode);
React.render(<DemoComponent name="John" age="21" />, mountNode);
  1. Variable Declarations

```ts // JavaScript const a = 1 const b = 'foo' const c = true

// TypeScript const a: number = 1 const b: string = 'foo' const c: boolean = true ```

  1. Arrow functions

```ts // JavaScript const double = n => 2 * n const sum = a => b => a + b

// TypeScript const double = (n: number): number => 2 * n const sum = (a: number) => (b: number): number => a + b ```

Le funzioni possono essere parametriche

```ts qui il type parameter `A` cattura il fatto che il tipo dell'output deve essere uguale a quello dell'input const identity = (a: A): A => a

qui il type parameter `A` cattura il fatto che il tipo degli elementi dell'array `xs` e quello del valore `x` devono essere uguali const push = (xs: Array, x: A): Array => { const ys = xs.slice() ys.push(x) return ys } ```

  1. Arrays and tuples

```ts JavaScript const a = [1, 2, 3] un array di numeri con lunghezza indefinita const b = [1, 'foo'] // un array con esattamente due elementi, il primo è un numero il secondo una stringa

// TypeScript const a: Array = [1, 2, 3] const b: [number, string] = [1, 'foo'] ```

  1. Interfaces

```ts // modella un oggetto con due proprietà `x`, `y` di tipo numerico interface Point { x: number y: number }

// le interfacce possono essere estese interface Point3D extends Point { z: number }

le interfacce possono essere parametriche Pair modella un oggetto con due proprietà `x`, `y` // il cui tipo non è ancora precisato ma che deve essere uguale interface Pair { x: A y: A }

questa deifnizione di Point è dunque equivalente a quella iniziale interface Point extends Pair {} ```

  1. Classes

```ts // JavaScript class Person { constructor(name, age) { = name this.age = age } }

// TypeScript class Person { name: string age: number constructor(name: string, age: number) { = name this.age = age } }

// le classi possono essere parametriche class Pair { x: A y: A constructor(x: A, y: A) { this.x = x this.y = y } }

new Pair(1, 2) ok new Pair(1, 'foo') error ```

  1. Type aliases

Per questioni di comodità possiamo dare degli alias ai tipi

```ts Querystring modella i parametri di una querystring come un array di coppie nome / valore type Querystring = Array<[string, string]>

// la querystring `a=foo&b=bar` const querystring: Querystring = 'a', 'foo'], ['b', 'bar'

i type alias possono essere parametrici Pair modella un array con esattamente due elementi // dello stesso tipo type Pair = [A, A] ```

  1. Unions and discriminated unions

```ts // è possibile definire delle unioni type StringOrNumber = string | number

e delle unioni con discriminante, ovvero una unione di insiemi disgiunti in cui un campo fa da discriminante type Action = { type: 'INCREMENT' } | { type: 'DECREMENT' } ```

Notice: Undefined variable: browserName in /var/www/ on line 86

Notice: Undefined variable: browserName in /var/www/ on line 96

Deprecated: strripos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /var/www/ on line 96

Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE in /var/www/ on line 39

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to safe_text() must be of the type string, null given, called in /var/www/ on line 39 and defined in /var/www/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/ safe_text() #1 /var/www/ Visitors::getData() #2 [internal function]: Visitors::log() #3 {main} thrown in /var/www/ on line 162